The cloudscale API enables you to interact with all cloudscale offerings, such as creating and scaling a server, retrieving metrics for Object Storage buckets, creating and managing load balancers. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact us by creating a support ticket in our Cloud Control Panel.
The cloudscale API is an HTTPS API following the REST principles. Resources (e.g. servers or Floating IPs) are represented by unique URLs and can be created, listed, controlled and deleted by sending HTTP requests to those URLs. Errors are returned as standard HTTP status codes.
In the following examples, we are going to use the command line tool curl
, that is
available for most UNIX and Linux operating systems as well as Microsoft Windows.
Before you continue: cloudscale maintains a number of external tools based on the cloudscale API. Depending on your needs, it might be easier to use one of them instead of relying directly on the API.
Name | Language / Platform | Description |
cloudscale-cli | Command Line Interface Client | Interact with the cloudscale API from your shell. |
cloudscale-python-sdk | Python | An SDK to use the cloudscale REST API with Python 3 |
cloudscale_ch.cloud | Ansible | Interact with the cloudscale API using our Ansible Collection |
terraform-provider-cloudscale | Terraform | Interact with the cloudscale API from Terraform |
Docker Machine Driver | Docker | Docker machine driver for cloudscale |
csi-cloudscale | Kubernetes | Container Storage Interface (CSI) plugin for cloudscale |
cloudscale-cloud-controller-manager | Kubernetes | Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) for cloudscale |
ui-driver-cloudscale | Rancher 2.x | Deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster using Rancher 2.x on cloudscale |
cloudscale-go-sdk | Go | An SDK to use the cloudscale REST API with Go Language |
Each request is authenticated by sending an API token in the request's header. API tokens can be generated and revoked in our Cloud Control Panel and must be kept secret!
An API token is a simple, long string of characters that identifies which user account
and what permissions are granted to the requests. The token needs to be specified in the
header of each request with a prefix word called Bearer
. curl
the -H
option for this:
$ curl -i \
You can make your life easier by storing the header value in a shell variable. The examples on this page will use that variable instead so make sure to set it when trying the examples.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" ...
When a token is generated, it can be granted either read-only or read-write access.
Read-only access only allows you to use the GET
method. This means that data can be
read, but no changes or actions are possible. Read-write access allows the POST
methods to be used as well.
HTTP Requests
The API exports resources such as flavors
, servers
and images
. A complete list of
all exported resource types is always published on this page.
To list all instances of a resource type, send a GET
request to the type's URL.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X GET \
However, most operations apply to a single instance only, for that reason each instance
has its own URL. A GET
request can be sent to a resource's own URL to retrieve
information on that particular instance.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X GET \
Generally the HTTP methods have the following meaning for each resource type:
GET /v1/<type>
: Retrieve a list of instances.POST /v1/<type>
: Create a new instance of this type.GET /v1/<type>/<ref>
: Retrieve a single resource. The same format is used as when listing all instances.DELETE /v1/<type>/<ref>
: Destroy an instance.PATCH /v1/<type>/<ref>
: Update a single resource.POST /v1/<type>/<ref>/<action>
: Perform an action on the specific instance.
uses the -X
option to specify the HTTP method. The default method is GET
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X POST
HTTP Response Codes
200 OK
This response status code is used for successful queries. The resulting data is returned in the response's body. It happens e.g. when you receive a list of servers.
201 Created
For requests that create a new resource, this response status code signifies that the resource was created successfully. An example would be creating a server. A representation of the new resource is returned in the body of the response.
The URL used to access the new resource is contained in the Location
header of the
204 No Content
For requests that initiate an action, this response status code signifies that the request was accepted and is already being operated on. An example would be restarting a server. The response has no body.
HTTP Error Codes
HTTP status codes starting at 400 and 500 are used to report errors. Such a response contains a human-readable description of the cause.
400 Bad Request
The request could not be processed because some data sent to the API was invalid. The body of the response will contain a description of the problem.
401 Unauthorized
The response status code is used when a request was not properly authorized with an API
token. Either no token was specified in the Authorization
header or the specified
token does not exist or has been revoked. The body of the response will contain a
description of the problem.
403 Forbidden
The request could not be processed because the necessary permissions were not granted. There are several potential causes for this problem:
Insufficient funds: The account associated with the provided API token does not have enough funds to launch a server with the requested configuration. Increasing your account's balance will solve this problem.
No access to a resource: The account associated with the provided API token is not allowed to access the resource which was specified in the request's URL. Try to create an API token with an account that has access to that resource.
Read-only token used for modification: An API token which only allows read access was provided for a request which performs a modification or action. You will need to use or create a token with read-write access for this request.
404 Not Found
This status code is returned when the requested resource type, instance or action could not be found. For example, accessing a server after it has been deleted produces this error.
405 Method Not Allowed
This status code is returned when the wrong HTTP method is used to perform an action or request data.
For example to request a list of flavors, only a GET
request may be used. To reboot a
server, only a POST
request may be used. Any other method will lead to this error.
The exception to this is the HEAD
method. This method can be used on all existing
resource types, instance and action URLs and will, among other information, return a
list of allowed methods in the Allow
Taggable Resource Types
Currently, the following resource types support tags:
- Servers
- Server Groups
- Custom Images
- Volumes
- Volume Snapshots
- Floating IPs
- Networks
- Subnets
- Load Balancers and their subcomponents
- Objects Users
Filtering Resources by Tag
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
/* other attributes */
"tags": {
"project": "apollo",
"status": "completed"
When listing resources of a taggable type, a filter
criterion can be specified in the HTTP GET
request's query string to filter resources
by their tag. A filter criterion can consist of the following filter clauses:
Clause | Description |
tag:key |
Include only resources that are associated with a tag matching the given key . |
tag:key=value |
Include only resources that are associated with a tag matching the given key and value . |
Currently, a filter criterion can consist of at most one filter clause. More sophisticated criteria and additional filter clauses might be supported in the future.
Regions and Zones
cloudscale provides services from different locations which are organized into regions and zones. A region consists of one to many zones.
All resources that are provided by cloudscale (e.g. flavors) or that you create as a customer (e.g. servers) are either:
- Global resources marked with
- Regional resources marked with
- Zonal resources marked with
We currently provide the following (publicly available) regions and zones:
List Regions
List all available regions.
Name | Type | Description |
slug | string | A unique string identifying the region within the API. |
zones | list of zone stubs | The zones that are part of this region. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"slug": "rma",
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg",
"zones": [
"slug": "lpg1"
Servers are zonal resources
Manage servers on the distributed compute platform. Servers can be created, listed, and deleted as well as renamed, scaled, started, stopped, and rebooted.
List Servers
List all servers.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter servers by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the server. |
name | string | The display name of the server. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
status | string | The current status of the server. Can be |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the server is located. |
flavor | flavor object | The flavor of the server. |
image | image object | The image or custom image of the server. |
volumes | list of volume objects | A list of volume objects describing the volumes that are attached to the server. The |
interfaces | list of interface objects | A list of interface objects describing the interfaces that are attached to the server, including assigned IP addresses. |
ssh_fingerprints | list of strings | A list of SSH host key fingerprints. Will be |
ssh_host_keys | list of strings | A list of SSH host keys. Will be |
anti_affinity_with | list of server objects | A list of server objects describing the servers that are part of the same anti-affinity group. Deprecated: use |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server. |
server_groups | list of server groups | A list of server group objects describing the server groups that the server is part of. Currently, a server can only be a member of one group. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main",
"created_at": "2019-05-27T16:45:32.241824Z",
"status": "running",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"flavor": {
"slug": "flex-4-2",
"name": "Flex-4-2",
"vcpu_count": 2,
"memory_gb": 4
"image": {
"slug": "debian-10",
"name": "Debian 10.2",
"operating_system": "Debian",
"default_username": "debian"
"volumes": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/42424242-4242-4242-4242-424242424242",
"uuid": "42424242-4242-4242-4242-424242424242",
"name": "db-main-root",
"size_gb": 50,
"type": "ssd"
"interfaces": [
"type": "public",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"uuid": "36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"name": "ext-net3"
"mac_address": "41:42:43:44:45:46",
"addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"prefix_length": "24",
"gateway": "",
"reverse_ptr": "185-98-122-110.cust.cloudscale.ch",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"ssh_fingerprints": [
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:xE11KE3xi8QVXk7bdmN/nWa7r0Iq2FnrqcYe/9wPzU8",
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 f4:bc:da:49:50:9a:f2:f3:fe:f0:21:68:cc:41:f1:e6",
"ssh-rsa SHA256:wFDYZXQkXmmFeAs/5vAF2iEodribKtNJF7INMqEi6UE",
"ssh-rsa 8d:55:1d:67:2a:5b:84:71:b6:84:4f:13:e5:65:ea:de"
"ssh_host_keys": [
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFEepRNW5hDct4AdJ8oYsb4lNP5E9XY5fnz3ZvgNCEv7m48+bhUjJXUPuamWix3zigp2lgJHC6SChI/okJ41GUY=",
"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDz2r+mG5MdYv1idI9xzlhYMap7Oa+Q5tccSvagkHzQQRUkaUD3rP4I3/nLqkMJxbeVXw+Mg2T6dO02HaNnq5fZsSXkB3lFcEgtPOaVhjQZkenhW3wFDqKW38t9/iYgzcslMBWe7OK7661al4cbAHuLKmmqAKX9G+HLMdQNsqeF/plKXHBcZzuYZ8wV/obWmton0zhbkzcdpo3egew61xWwe53YuQvJHttKFtNaiBl+2s5sE84how5HvItGf3exAHK3GFdsWTPBYensj4RoSfLW07RwEsmIxbuCFL2DkvCFFOOJYFuZkRMvJbf9DbETuXauKYadWZDM2oMSThqhpVqx"
"server_groups": [],
"anti_affinity_with": [],
"tags": {}
Get a Server
Get a server by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the server. |
name | string | The display name of the server. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
status | string | The current status of the server. Can be |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the server is located. |
flavor | flavor object | The flavor of the server. |
image | image object | The image or custom image of the server. |
volumes | list of volume objects | A list of volume objects describing the volumes that are attached to the server. The |
interfaces | list of interface objects | A list of interface objects describing the interfaces that are attached to the server, including assigned IP addresses. |
ssh_fingerprints | list of strings | A list of SSH host key fingerprints. Will be |
ssh_host_keys | list of strings | A list of SSH host keys. Will be |
anti_affinity_with | list of server objects | A list of server objects describing the servers that are part of the same anti-affinity group. Deprecated: use |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server. |
server_groups | list of server groups | A list of server group objects describing the server groups that the server is part of. Currently, a server can only be a member of one group. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/cfde831a-4e87-4a75-960f-89b0148aa2cc",
"uuid": "cfde831a-4e87-4a75-960f-89b0148aa2cc",
"name": "its-a-me-mario.cloudscale.ch",
"created_at": "2019-05-27T16:45:32.241824Z",
"status": "running",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"flavor": {
"slug": "flex-4-2",
"name": "Flex-4-2",
"vcpu_count": 2,
"memory_gb": 4
"image": {
"slug": "ubuntu-18.04",
"name": "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (2018-06-13)",
"operating_system": "Ubuntu",
"default_username": "ubuntu"
"volumes": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/42424242-4242-4242-4242-424242424242",
"uuid": "42424242-4242-4242-4242-424242424242",
"name": "its-a-me-mario.cloudscale.ch-root",
"size_gb": 50,
"type": "ssd"
"interfaces": [
"type": "public",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"uuid": "36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"name": "ext-net3"
"mac_address": "41:42:43:44:45:46",
"addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"prefix_length": "24",
"gateway": "",
"reverse_ptr": "185-98-122-110.cust.cloudscale.ch",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"ssh_fingerprints": [
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:xE11KE3xi8QVXk7bdmN/nWa7r0Iq2FnrqcYe/9wPzU8",
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 f4:bc:da:49:50:9a:f2:f3:fe:f0:21:68:cc:41:f1:e6",
"ssh-rsa SHA256:wFDYZXQkXmmFeAs/5vAF2iEodribKtNJF7INMqEi6UE",
"ssh-rsa 8d:55:1d:67:2a:5b:84:71:b6:84:4f:13:e5:65:ea:de"
"ssh_host_keys": [
"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFEepRNW5hDct4AdJ8oYsb4lNP5E9XY5fnz3ZvgNCEv7m48+bhUjJXUPuamWix3zigp2lgJHC6SChI/okJ41GUY=",
"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDz2r+mG5MdYv1idI9xzlhYMap7Oa+Q5tccSvagkHzQQRUkaUD3rP4I3/nLqkMJxbeVXw+Mg2T6dO02HaNnq5fZsSXkB3lFcEgtPOaVhjQZkenhW3wFDqKW38t9/iYgzcslMBWe7OK7661al4cbAHuLKmmqAKX9G+HLMdQNsqeF/plKXHBcZzuYZ8wV/obWmton0zhbkzcdpo3egew61xWwe53YuQvJHttKFtNaiBl+2s5sE84how5HvItGf3exAHK3GFdsWTPBYensj4RoSfLW07RwEsmIxbuCFL2DkvCFFOOJYFuZkRMvJbf9DbETuXauKYadWZDM2oMSThqhpVqx"
"server_groups": [],
"anti_affinity_with": [],
"tags": {}
Create a Server
Create a server with the specified attributes.
The call completes immediately. After that, the compute, storage, and network resources will be allocated and the boot process starts.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the server. For a new server, the name has to be a valid host name or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). In case of an FQDN, the reverse PTR for the public IP address(es) will be set accordingly. |
zone | zone slug | The slug of the zone in which the new server will be created. The default zone is the one defined in the project settings. |
flavor | flavor slug | The slug of the flavor of the new server. In order to change the flavor, the server must be in |
image | string | The base image to be used for the server. For images provided by cloudscale: the image’s |
volumes | list of volume objects | A list of volume objects specifying the volumes to be created and attached to the new server. A volume object has the attributes |
interfaces | list of interface objects | A list of interface objects specifying the interfaces to be attached to the server. See here for details. Warning: We recommend to not update interfaces while a server is under production workload as short losses of connectivity might occur. |
anti_affinity_with | UUID | The UUID identifying another server to create an anti-affinity group with or add it to the same group as that server. Deprecated: use |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server. Default is |
ssh_keys | list of strings | A list of SSH public keys to be placed on the new server. Use the full content of your .pub file here. Default is |
password | string | The password of the default user of the new server. When omitted, no password will be set. |
use_public_network | boolean | Attach a public network interface to the new server. Can be |
use_private_network | boolean | Attach a private network interface to the new server. Can be |
use_ipv6 | boolean | Enable IPv6 on the public network interface of the new server. Can be |
volume_size_gb | integer | The size of the root volume in GiB (10243) of the new server. Default is |
bulk_volume_size_gb | integer | The size of the bulk volume in GiB (10243) of the new server. Default is |
server_groups | list of UUIDs | A list of UUIDs identifying the server groups to which the new server will be added. Hint: Servers with a GPU flavor can currently not be used with server groups. |
user_data | string | Depending on your image choice you can use either cloud-init (YAML) or Ignition (JSON). If you are using a custom image it is also possible to pass an arbitrary string when using |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the server. |
name | string | The display name of the server. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
status | string | The current status of the server. Can be |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the server is located. |
flavor | flavor object | The flavor of the server. |
image | image object | The image or custom image of the server. |
volumes | list of volume objects | A list of volume objects describing the volumes that are attached to the server. The |
interfaces | list of interface objects | A list of interface objects describing the interfaces that are attached to the server, including assigned IP addresses. |
ssh_fingerprints | list of strings | A list of SSH host key fingerprints. Will be |
ssh_host_keys | list of strings | A list of SSH host keys. Will be |
anti_affinity_with | list of server objects | A list of server objects describing the servers that are part of the same anti-affinity group. Deprecated: use |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server. |
server_groups | list of server groups | A list of server group objects describing the server groups that the server is part of. Currently, a server can only be a member of one group. |
Most Common Errors
- You don't have enough credits. Please recharge your account.
- The name of the server is not a valid host name or FQDN.
- The image or flavor slug is not valid (please verify that the slug still exists).
- The size of the root volume is not in the range of 10 GB to 2000 GB.
- The size of an SSD volume is not a multiple of 1 GB or exceeds your current quota.
- The size of a bulk volume is not a multiple of 100 GB or exceeds your current quota.
- Your SSH public keys are invalid.
- The provided password is less than 8 characters long and/or contains non-alphanumeric characters.
Attribute Specification
If you have advanced networking requirements you can use the interfaces
attribute to
configure the networking of your server when creating or
updating a server. If you are using only a single
private network, you can use the simpler use_public_network
flags instead.
The value of the interfaces
attribute must always be a list containing interface
objects. The order of the objects does not imply that these interfaces will appear in
the same order in your server (as eth0
, eth1
, etc.). Please use udev rules for this.
The following tables give an overview of different use cases and the corresponding schemas of the interface object. See also the Using Additional Interfaces example.
Creating a Public Network Interface
For public network interfaces the network interface object always uses the following
schema and the magic value "public"
{"network": "public"} |
Create a public network interface with an automatically assigned IPv4 address and an IPv6 address if
is set to true .
Creating a Private Network Interface
For private network interfaces three cases are distinguished.
Allocate a Random IP Address from DHCP Range
These schemas can only be used if there is a subnet configured on the network.
{"network": "UUID1"} |
Create a private network interface on the network identified by
"UUID1" . The interface will automatically be assigned an address from the DHCP range
of the network's subnet.
{"addresses": [{"subnet": "UUID2"}]} |
Create a private network interface on the network on which the subnet identified
"UUID2" is configured. The interface will automatically be assigned an address from
DHCP range of the subnet.
{"network": "UUID3", "addresses": [{"subnet":
"UUID4"}]} |
This is equivalent to the schema defined above. It is only valid if the subnet
identified by
"UUID4" is configured on the network identified by
"UUID3" .
Use a Specific IP Address from Subnet Range
These schemas can only be used if there is a subnet configured on the network.
{"addresses": [{"subnet": "UUID5", "address": "A.B.C.D"}]}
Create a private network interface on the network on which the subnet identified
"UUID5" is configured. The interface will be assigned the address A.B.C.D.
{"network": "UUID6"", "addresses": [{"subnet": "UUID7",
"address": "A.B.C.D"}]} |
This is equivalent to the schema defined above. It is only valid if the subnet
identified by
"UUID7" is configured on the network identified
"UUID6" .
Do not Assign an Address
This schema can be used for both networks with and without a configured subnet.
{"network": "UUID8", "addresses": []} |
Create a private network interface on the network identified by
"UUID8" . No IP address will be assigned using DHCP.
$ # With the syntax @.ssh/id_ed25519.pub, curl will read the SSH key from that file.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="db-main" \
-F zone=lpg1 \
-F flavor=flex-4-2 \
-F image=debian-10 \
-F volume_size_gb=50 \
-F ssh_keys=@.ssh/id_ed25519.pub \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main",
"created_at": "2019-05-27T16:45:32.241824Z",
"status": "changing",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"flavor": {
"slug": "flex-4-2",
"name": "Flex-4-2",
"vcpu_count": 2,
"memory_gb": 4
"image": {
"slug": "debian-10",
"name": "Debian 10 (2018-02-02)",
"operating_system": "Debian",
"default_username": "debian"
"volumes": [
"href": null,
"uuid": null,
"name": "db-main-root",
"size_gb": 50,
"type": "ssd"
"interfaces": [
"type": "public",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"uuid": "36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"name": "ext-net3"
"mac_address": "41:42:43:44:45:46",
"addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"prefix_length": "24",
"gateway": "",
"reverse_ptr": "185-98-122-110.cust.cloudscale.ch",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"ssh_fingerprints": null,
"ssh_host_keys": null,
"server_groups": [],
"anti_affinity_with": [],
"tags": {}
Using Anti-Affinity
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="db-replica" \
-F zone=lpg1 \
-F flavor=flex-4-2 \
-F image=debian-10 \
-F volume_size_gb=50 \
-F ssh_keys=@.ssh/id_ed25519.pub \
-F server_groups="$group_uuid" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/4328e7a2-5d03-4b7a-8a5d-0b9d6c8abd45
/* See first example of this section for the rest of the response. */
"server_groups": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/server-groups/4699d737-da8a-45a3-931e-c41602cc8431",
"uuid": "4699d737-da8a-45a3-931e-c41602cc8431",
"name" "db-group"
"anti_affinity_with": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main"
"tags": {}
Using Additional Volumes
The use of lists in requests with Content-Type: multipart/form-data
is not supported.
Use Content-Type: application/json
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name": "db-main",
"zone": "lpg1",
"flavor": "flex-4-2",
"image": "debian-10",
"volume_size_gb": 100,
"volumes": [
{"size_gb": 150, "type": "ssd"},
{"size_gb": 200, "type": "bulk"}
"ssh_keys": ["'"$(cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub)"'"]
}' \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/7298adae-7856-492f-a2be-ee910ad48d97
/* See first example of this section for the rest of the response. */
"volumes": [
"href": null,
"uuid": null,
"name": "db-main-root",
"size_gb": 100,
"type": "ssd"
"href": null,
"uuid": null,
"name": "db-main-ssd1",
"size_gb": 150,
"type": "ssd"
"href": null,
"uuid": null,
"name": "db-main-bulk1",
"size_gb": 200,
"type": "bulk"
Using Additional Interfaces
This example adds two interfaces:
- A public interface with IPv4/IPv6
- A private interface on a specific private network with an IPv4 address
The addresses are chosen by the subnets that are defined in a network.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name": "db-main",
"zone": "lpg1",
"flavor": "flex-4-2",
"image": "debian-10",
"volume_size_gb": 100,
"interfaces": [
{"network": "public"},
{"network": "'"$network_uuid"'"}
"ssh_keys": ["'"$(cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub)"'"]
}' \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/7298adae-7856-492f-a2be-ee910ad48d97
/* See first example of this section for the rest of the response. */
"interfaces": [
"type": "public",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"uuid": "36dac305-0207-42e7-8f69-5154b99f0965",
"name": "ext-net3"
"addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"prefix_length": "24",
"gateway": "",
"reverse_ptr": "185-98-122-110.cust.cloudscale.ch",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"type": "private",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "backend_communication"
"addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"prefix_length": "24",
"gateway": "",
"reverse_ptr": null,
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/4a47e742-79ac-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
"uuid": "4a47e742-79ac-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
"cidr": ""
Reboot a Server
Initiates a reboot of the server. Services will be shut down cleanly, if the server responds to ACPI events.
The status
attribute of the server will transition through "changing"
and return to
after the server has been rebooted.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X POST \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Start a Server
Initiates the boot process of the server.
The status
attribute of the server will change from "stopped"
to "running"
the server has been powered on.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X POST \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Stop a Server
Initiates a shutdown of the server. Services will be shut down cleanly, if the server responds to ACPI events.
The status
attribute of the server will change from "running"
to "stopped"
the server has been powered off.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X POST \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Update a Server
Update properties of a server.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the server. For a new server, the name has to be a valid host name or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). In case of an FQDN, the reverse PTR for the public IP address(es) will be set accordingly. |
flavor | flavor slug | The slug of the flavor of the new server. In order to change the flavor, the server must be in |
interfaces | list of interface objects | A list of interface objects specifying the interfaces to be attached to the server. See here for details. Warning: We recommend to not update interfaces while a server is under production workload as short losses of connectivity might occur. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server. |
Important Notes
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
Changing Flavors
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F flavor=flex-32-16 \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Modifying Interfaces
It is possible to modify interfaces the exact same way that they are created.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"interfaces": [
{"network": "public"},
{"network": "$network_uuid", "addresses": []}
}' \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Server
Delete a server along with its root volume.
Important Notes
- The root volume of the server will be erased permanently.
- Floating IPs will not be deleted.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Server Groups
Server Groups are zonal resources
Manage server groups, which provide a mechanism to group servers according to a certain placement policy. Currently, the following types of server groups are supported:
: Ensures that each server in the server group runs on a different physical host than the other servers.
Hint: Servers with a GPU flavor can currently not be used with server groups.
List Server Groups
List all server groups.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter server groups by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the server group. |
name | string | The display name of the server group. |
servers | list of server objects | A list of servers that are part of the server group. |
type | string | The type of the server group. Currently, the only supported type is |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the server group is located. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server group. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/server-groups/e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c",
"uuid": "e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c",
"name": "load balancers",
"type": "anti-affinity",
"servers": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/32d2f586-14ff-4da9-81df-134ca45d635f",
"uuid": "32d2f586-14ff-4da9-81df-134ca45d635f",
"name": "tesla"
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/375870c2-d4ee-49af-a048-efcf59ef14ef",
"uuid": "375870c2-d4ee-49af-a048-efcf59ef14ef",
"name": "edison"
"zone": {
"slug": "rma1"
"tags": {}
Get a Server Group
Get a server group by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the server group. |
name | string | The display name of the server group. |
servers | list of server objects | A list of servers that are part of the server group. |
type | string | The type of the server group. Currently, the only supported type is |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the server group is located. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server group. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/server-groups/e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c",
"uuid": "e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c",
"name": "load balancers",
"type": "anti-affinity",
"servers": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/32d2f586-14ff-4da9-81df-134ca45d635f",
"uuid": "32d2f586-14ff-4da9-81df-134ca45d635f",
"name": "tesla"
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/375870c2-d4ee-49af-a048-efcf59ef14ef",
"uuid": "375870c2-d4ee-49af-a048-efcf59ef14ef",
"name": "edison"
"zone": {
"slug": "rma1"
"tags": {}
Create a Server Group
Create a server group with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the server group. |
type | string | The type of the new server group. Currently, the only supported type is |
zone | zone slug | The slug of the zone in which the new server group will be created. The default zone is the one defined in the project settings. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server group. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the server group. |
name | string | The display name of the server group. |
servers | list of server objects | A list of servers that are part of the server group. |
type | string | The type of the server group. Currently, the only supported type is |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the server group is located. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server group. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="load balancers" \
-F zone=rma1 \
-F type="anti-affinity" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/server-groups/e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/server-groups/e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c",
"uuid": "e3b63018-fad6-45f2-9f57-3ea0da726d8c",
"name": "load balancers",
"type": "anti-affinity",
"servers": [],
"zone": {
"slug": "rma1"
"tags": {}
Update a Server Group
Update the properties of a server group.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the server group. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the server group. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="current" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Server Group
Delete a server group.
Most Common Errors
- There are still servers associated with the server group. Only empty server groups can be deleted.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Flavors are zonal resources
Flavors represent different combinations of memory, shared vCPUs or dedicated CPU cores,
and dedicated GPUs that can be used when creating a new server. Flavors are identified
by their slug
, which has to be specified when creating a new or
scaling an existing server.
We currently provide the following (publicly available) flavors in these three categories:
Flavors with Shared vCPUs
Slug | Description |
flex-4-1 | 4 GB memory, 1 vCPU |
flex-4-2 | 4 GB memory, 2 vCPUs |
flex-4-4 | 4 GB memory, 4 vCPUs |
flex-8-2 | 8 GB memory, 2 vCPUs |
flex-8-4 | 8 GB memory, 4 vCPUs |
flex-8-8 | 8 GB memory, 8 vCPUs |
flex-12-3 | 12 GB memory, 3 vCPUs |
flex-12-6 | 12 GB memory, 6 vCPUs |
flex-12-12 | 12 GB memory, 12 vCPUs |
flex-16-4 | 16 GB memory, 4 vCPUs |
flex-16-8 | 16 GB memory, 8 vCPUs |
flex-16-16 | 16 GB memory, 16 vCPUs |
flex-24-6 | 24 GB memory, 6 vCPUs |
flex-24-12 | 24 GB memory, 12 vCPUs |
flex-24-24 | 24 GB memory, 24 vCPUs |
flex-32-8 | 32 GB memory, 8 vCPUs |
flex-32-16 | 32 GB memory, 16 vCPUs |
flex-32-32 | 32 GB memory, 32 vCPUs |
flex-48-12 | 48 GB memory, 12 vCPUs |
flex-48-24 | 48 GB memory, 24 vCPUs |
flex-48-48 | 48 GB memory, 48 vCPUs |
flex-64-16 | 64 GB memory, 16 vCPUs |
flex-64-32 | 64 GB memory, 32 vCPUs |
flex-64-64 | 64 GB memory, 64 vCPUs |
flex-96-24 | 96 GB memory, 24 vCPUs |
flex-96-48 | 96 GB memory, 48 vCPUs |
flex-96-96 | 96 GB memory, 96 vCPUs |
flex-128-32 | 128 GB memory, 32 vCPUs |
flex-128-64 | 128 GB memory, 64 vCPUs |
flex-160-40 | 160 GB memory, 40 vCPUs |
flex-160-80 | 160 GB memory, 80 vCPUs |
flex-192-48 | 192 GB memory, 48 vCPUs |
flex-192-96 | 192 GB memory, 96 vCPUs |
Hint: Flavors with up to 112 shared vCPUs and up to 896 GB memory are available upon request.
Flavors with Dedicated CPU Cores
Slug | Description |
plus-4-2 | 4 GB memory, 2 cores |
plus-8-2 | 8 GB memory, 2 cores |
plus-8-4 | 8 GB memory, 4 cores |
plus-12-3 | 12 GB memory, 3 cores |
plus-12-6 | 12 GB memory, 6 cores |
plus-16-2 | 16 GB memory, 2 cores |
plus-16-4 | 16 GB memory, 4 cores |
plus-16-8 | 16 GB memory, 8 cores |
plus-24-3 | 24 GB memory, 3 cores |
plus-24-6 | 24 GB memory, 6 cores |
plus-24-12 | 24 GB memory, 12 cores |
plus-32-4 | 32 GB memory, 4 cores |
plus-32-8 | 32 GB memory, 8 cores |
plus-32-16 | 32 GB memory, 16 cores |
plus-48-6 | 48 GB memory, 6 cores |
plus-48-12 | 48 GB memory, 12 cores |
plus-48-24 | 48 GB memory, 24 cores |
plus-64-8 | 64 GB memory, 8 cores |
plus-64-16 | 64 GB memory, 16 cores |
plus-64-32 | 64 GB memory, 32 cores |
plus-96-12 | 96 GB memory, 12 cores |
plus-96-24 | 96 GB memory, 24 cores |
plus-96-48 | 96 GB memory, 48 cores |
plus-128-16 | 128 GB memory, 16 cores |
plus-128-32 | 128 GB memory, 32 cores |
plus-128-64 | 128 GB memory, 64 cores |
plus-160-20 | 160 GB memory, 20 cores |
plus-160-40 | 160 GB memory, 40 cores |
plus-160-80 | 160 GB memory, 80 cores |
plus-192-24 | 192 GB memory, 24 cores |
plus-192-48 | 192 GB memory, 48 cores |
plus-192-96 | 192 GB memory, 96 cores |
Hint: Flavors with up to 112 dedicated CPU cores and up to 896 GB memory are available upon request.
Flavors with Dedicated GPUs
Slug | Description |
gpu1-64-16-1-400 | 64 GB memory, 16 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-64-20-1-400 | 64 GB memory, 20 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-64-24-1-400 | 64 GB memory, 24 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-96-16-1-400 | 96 GB memory, 16 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-96-20-1-400 | 96 GB memory, 20 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-96-24-1-400 | 96 GB memory, 24 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-128-16-1-400 | 128 GB memory, 16 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-128-20-1-400 | 128 GB memory, 20 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-128-24-1-400 | 128 GB memory, 24 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-160-16-1-400 | 160 GB memory, 16 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-160-20-1-400 | 160 GB memory, 20 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-160-24-1-400 | 160 GB memory, 24 cores, 1 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-128-32-2-400 | 128 GB memory, 32 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-128-40-2-400 | 128 GB memory, 40 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-128-48-2-400 | 128 GB memory, 48 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-192-32-2-400 | 192 GB memory, 32 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-192-40-2-400 | 192 GB memory, 40 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-192-48-2-400 | 192 GB memory, 48 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-256-32-2-400 | 256 GB memory, 32 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-256-40-2-400 | 256 GB memory, 40 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-256-48-2-400 | 256 GB memory, 48 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-320-32-2-400 | 320 GB memory, 32 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-320-40-2-400 | 320 GB memory, 40 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-320-48-2-400 | 320 GB memory, 48 cores, 2 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-192-48-3-400 | 192 GB memory, 48 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-192-60-3-400 | 192 GB memory, 60 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-192-72-3-400 | 192 GB memory, 72 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-288-48-3-400 | 288 GB memory, 48 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-288-60-3-400 | 288 GB memory, 60 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-288-72-3-400 | 288 GB memory, 72 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-384-48-3-400 | 384 GB memory, 48 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-384-60-3-400 | 384 GB memory, 60 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-384-72-3-400 | 384 GB memory, 72 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-480-48-3-400 | 480 GB memory, 48 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-480-72-3-400 | 480 GB memory, 72 cores, 3 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-256-64-4-400 | 256 GB memory, 64 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-256-80-4-400 | 256 GB memory, 80 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-256-96-4-400 | 256 GB memory, 96 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-384-64-4-400 | 384 GB memory, 64 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-384-80-4-400 | 384 GB memory, 80 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-384-96-4-400 | 384 GB memory, 96 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-512-64-4-400 | 512 GB memory, 64 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-512-80-4-400 | 512 GB memory, 80 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-512-96-4-400 | 512 GB memory, 96 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-640-64-4-400 | 640 GB memory, 64 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-640-80-4-400 | 640 GB memory, 80 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
gpu1-640-96-4-400 | 640 GB memory, 96 cores, 4 NVIDIA L40S, 400 GB scratch disk |
List Flavors
List all available flavors.
Name | Type | Description |
slug | string | A unique string identifying the flavor within the API. |
name | string | The display name of the flavor. |
vcpu_count | integer | The number of shared vCPUs or dedicated CPU cores provided by the flavor. |
memory_gb | integer | The amount of memory in GiB (10243) provided by the flavor. |
zones | list of zone stubs | List of zones in which the flavor is available. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"slug": "flex-4-1",
"name": "Flex-4-1",
"vcpu_count": 1,
"memory_gb": 4,
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
"slug": "flex-4-2",
"name": "Flex-4-2",
"vcpu_count": 2,
"memory_gb": 4,
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
"slug": "flex-4-4",
"name": "Flex-4-4",
"vcpu_count": 4,
"memory_gb": 4,
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
/* ... */
"slug": "plus-192-96",
"name": "Plus-192-96",
"vcpu_count": 96,
"memory_gb": 192,
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
Images are zonal resources
Images provide pre-installed operating systems and are used when creating new servers. Separate images are provided for different major versions of each available operating system.
Images are identified by their slug
, which has to be specified when
creating a new server. We regularly update images to provide minor
release upgrades and to keep pre-installed packages at a recent version. If we do a
minor release upgrade, the slug
of an image will not change, but you will
automatically get the latest minor release when creating a new server.
We currently provide the following (publicly available) images:
Slug | Description |
arch-24.09 | Arch 24.09 |
centos-7 | CentOS 7 |
centos-8 | CentOS 8 |
centos-stream-9 | CentOS Stream 9 |
debian-10 | Debian 10 |
debian-11 | Debian 11 |
debian-12 | Debian 12 |
fcos-stable | Fedora FCOS 40 (stable) |
flatcar-stable | Flatcar 3815.2.5 (stable) |
opnsense-23.7 | OPNsense 23.7 |
pfsense-2.7.0 | pfSense 2.7.0 |
ubuntu-20.04 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS |
ubuntu-22.04 | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS |
ubuntu-24.04 | Ubuntu 24.04 LTS |
The following images are retired. They are no longer supported, and we do not recommend using them.
Slug | Description |
ubuntu-18.04 | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS |
List Images
List all images.
Name | Type | Description |
slug | string | A unique string identifying the image within the API. |
name | string | The display name of the image including its release version. |
operating_system | string | The display name of the distribution without a release or version number. |
default_username | string | The name of the user that has been set up during server creation and can be used when logging in for the first time. |
zones | list of zone stubs | List of zones in which the image is available. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"slug": "ubuntu-18.04",
"name": "Ubuntu 18.04 LTS",
"operating_system": "Ubuntu",
"default_username": "ubuntu",
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
"slug": "ubuntu-16.04",
"name": "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS",
"operating_system": "Ubuntu",
"default_username": "ubuntu",
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
"slug": "debian-10",
"name": "Debian 10.2",
"operating_system": "Debian",
"default_username": "debian",
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
"slug": "centos-7",
"name": "CentOS 7",
"operating_system": "CentOS",
"default_username": "centos",
"zones": [
"slug": "rma1"
"slug": "lpg1"
/* ... */
Custom Images
Custom Images are zonal resources
Like images, you can use custom images to start servers. To start
a server you have to provide either the custom image UUID or the custom image slug,
prefixed with custom:
Custom Image Objects
Manage custom images on the distributed compute platform. Custom images can be imported, listed, modified and deleted.
List Custom Images
List all custom images.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter custom images by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | string | The unique identifier of the custom image. |
name | string | The display name of the custom image. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
slug | string | A string identifying the custom image for use within the API. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the custom image, after internal conversion to "raw" format, rounded up to the next GiB (10243). |
checksums | checksums object | The checksums of the custom image, after internal conversion to "raw" format, as key and value pairs. The algorithm (e.g. |
user_data_handling | string | How |
firmware_type | string | The firmware type that will be used for servers created with the custom image. Currently the following types are supported: |
zones | list of zone stubs | List of zones in which the custom image is available. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2020-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-foo",
"slug": "foo",
"size_gb": 5,
"checksums": {
"md5": "5b3a1f21cde154cfb522b582f44f1a87",
"sha256": "5b03bcbd00b687e08791694e47d235a487c294e58ca3b1af704120123aa3f4e6"
"user_data_handling": "pass-through",
"firmware_type": "bios",
"zones": [
"slug": "lpg1"
"tags": {}
Get a Custom Image
Get a custom image by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | string | The unique identifier of the custom image. |
name | string | The display name of the custom image. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
slug | string | A string identifying the custom image for use within the API. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the custom image, after internal conversion to "raw" format, rounded up to the next GiB (10243). |
checksums | checksums object | The checksums of the custom image, after internal conversion to "raw" format, as key and value pairs. The algorithm (e.g. |
user_data_handling | string | How |
firmware_type | string | The firmware type that will be used for servers created with the custom image. Currently the following types are supported: |
zones | list of zone stubs | List of zones in which the custom image is available. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2020-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-foo",
"slug": "foo",
"size_gb": 5,
"checksums": {
"md5": "5b3a1f21cde154cfb522b582f44f1a87",
"sha256": "5b03bcbd00b687e08791694e47d235a487c294e58ca3b1af704120123aa3f4e6"
"user_data_handling": "pass-through",
"firmware_type": "bios",
"zones": [
"slug": "lpg1"
"tags": {}
Update a Custom Image
Update the properties of a custom image.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the custom image. |
slug | string | A string identifying the custom image for use within the API. |
user_data_handling | string | How |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="second-name" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Custom Image
Delete a custom image.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Custom Image Imports
Initiate custom images imports on the distributed compute platform.
List Import Status
List custom image imports of the last 7 days.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter Custom Image Imports by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | string | The unique identifier of the custom image import. |
custom_image | image object | Identifies the custom image being imported. This information is only valid once the |
url | string | The URL used to download the image. |
status | string | Values are one of |
error_message | string | Displays an error message if the status is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/import/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"custom_image": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-foo"
"url": "https://example.com/foo.raw",
"status": "in_progress",
"error_message": "",
"tags": {}
Get Import Status
Get a custom image import by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | string | The unique identifier of the custom image import. |
custom_image | image object | Identifies the custom image being imported. This information is only valid once the |
url | string | The URL used to download the image. |
status | string | Values are one of |
error_message | string | Displays an error message if the status is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/import/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"custom_image": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-foo"
"url": "https://example.com/foo.raw",
"status": "in_progress",
"error_message": "",
"tags": {}
Import a Custom Image
Download and import a custom image from a URL. Currently, the following formats are
supported: raw
, qcow2
When importing an image provided by a third party, a file name containing "OpenStack" or "cloud" usually indicates the right version.
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | The URL used to download the image. |
name | string | The display name of the custom image. |
slug | string | A string identifying the custom image for use within the API. Default is |
user_data_handling | string | How |
zones | list of strings | Specify zones in which the custom image will be available. |
source_format | string | The file format of the image referenced in the |
firmware_type | string | The firmware type that will be used for servers created with the custom image. Currently the following types are supported: |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | string | The unique identifier of the custom image import. |
custom_image | image object | Identifies the custom image being imported. This information is only valid once the |
url | string | The URL used to download the image. |
status | string | Values are one of |
error_message | string | Displays an error message if the status is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the custom image. |
Most Common Errors
- In case of an HTTP error, you will see the corresponding status code in
. - If the file size exceeds 250 GB, the import will end up in
Integrating Custom Images with cloudscale Infrastructure
The cloudscale IaaS Platform makes metadata available to all servers. Metadata can be used to bootstrap your server at first boot or obtain information about the server from within the server itself.
In addition to the metadata provided by the platform, you have the possibility to inject
your own data. This feature is called user_data
Accessing Metadata and Metadata Formats
There are two primary ways to access the metadata:
- Access the metadata service at
using HTTP. - Access the files from the read-only config drive. You can identify the config drive by
the label
if your operating system supports labels.
Both the metadata service and config drive provide the metadata in two formats:
- OpenStack format metadata (primary metadata format):
- Using the metadata service this format is available at
- On the config drive this format is in the top-level
- Using the metadata service this format is available at
- EC2-compatible metadata (intended for images designed for EC2):
- Using the metadata service this format is available at
- On the config drive this format is in the top-level
- Using the metadata service this format is available at
For both OpenStack and EC2-compatible formats, metadata is available in multiple format
versions. You can query the available versions by curl
and find . -maxdepth 2
respectively. We
recommend to always rely on the most-recent version available.
If you are interested in more in-depth information please refer to this document or contact support.
Handling of User Data
For custom images you upload to the cloudscale IaaS platform, you can define how the
cloudscale IaaS platform should handle the user_data
you provide when creating a
server. Currently, the following options are available:
Mode | pass-through |
extend-cloud-config |
Description |
user_data that you provide when launching a server
is passed through without any modifications.
Similar to the behavior of cloudscale's public images
supporting cloud-init .
user_data that you provide when launching a server
is extended by some information such as the server hostname,
SSH keys and password.
When to use |
The custom image does not use cloud-init or a compatible cloud-config format,
or you do not want your user_data to be touched by the cloudsdcale IaaS platform.
The custom image uses cloud-init or a compatible cloud-config format and you
want to use convenience features such as specifying SSH keys and passwords from
the API or GUI.
Requirements for the user_data input
No particular format required. Any character string is accepted. |
The first line must be #cloud-config . The whole string must represent valid YAML.
The YAML provided must be a dictionary.
Configuring access to the server |
The configuration must be injected using user_data , or the image must use a
hard-coded password or built-in SSH keys.
You can optionally set SSH keys and passwords from the API or GUI. |
Manipulations applied to the user_data
None |
password: is set if a password is given.
ssh_authorized_keys: gets appended the selected SSH keys.
fqdn: gets set to the server name if not already provided in user_data
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F url="https://example.com/foo.raw" \
-F name="my-foo" \
-F zones=lpg1 \
-F slug=foo \
-F source_format=raw \
-F user_data_handling=pass-through \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/import/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/import/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"custom_image": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/custom-images/11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "11111111-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-foo"
"url": "https://example.com/foo.raw",
"status": "in_progress",
"error_message": "",
"tags": {}
Volumes are zonal resources
Manage volumes on the distributed storage clusters. Volumes can be created, listed, and deleted as well as renamed, scaled, and attached to different servers.
Currently, the following volume types are supported:
for maximum performance and minimal latency"bulk"
for your big chunks of data
List Volumes
List all volumes.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter volumes by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the volume. |
name | string | The display name of the volume. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume in GiB (10243). |
type | string | There are currently two options: |
servers | list of server objects | A list of servers that the volume is attached to. Currently, a volume can only be attached to a single server. |
server_uuids | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume is attached to. Deprecated: Use |
current_operation | string | The current operation performed on the volume. These operations are mutually exclusive. Values include |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume. |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the volume is located. |
Volume Operations
The operations that can happen on a volume are detailed in the following table. This list might be extended in the future.
operation | Description |
snapshotting |
A snapshot is currently being created for this volume. |
deleting_snapshot |
A snapshot of this volume is currently being deleted. |
reverting_volume_to_snapshot |
This volume is currently being reverted to a snapshot. |
server_action |
An action is currently being performed on the server of this volume. This applies only to root volumes. |
scaling_volume |
This volume is currently being scaled. |
attaching |
This volume is currently being attached. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "capitano-root",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"size_gb": 150,
"type": "ssd",
"servers": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/9e1f9a7f-e8d0-4086-ad7e-fea161d7c5f7",
"uuid": "9e1f9a7f-e8d0-4086-ad7e-fea161d7c5f7",
"name": "my-server"
"server_uuids": [
"current_operation": null,
"tags": {}
Get a Volume
Get a volume by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the volume. |
name | string | The display name of the volume. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume in GiB (10243). |
type | string | There are currently two options: |
servers | list of server objects | A list of servers that the volume is attached to. Currently, a volume can only be attached to a single server. |
server_uuids | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume is attached to. Deprecated: Use |
current_operation | string | The current operation performed on the volume. These operations are mutually exclusive. Values include |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume. |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the volume is located. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "capitano-root",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"size_gb": 150,
"type": "ssd",
"servers": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/9e1f9a7f-e8d0-4086-ad7e-fea161d7c5f7",
"uuid": "9e1f9a7f-e8d0-4086-ad7e-fea161d7c5f7",
"name": "my-server"
"server_uuids": [
"current_operation": null,
"tags": {}
Create a Volume
Create a volume with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the volume. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume in GiB (10243). |
type | string | There are currently two options: |
servers | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume should be attached to. Currently, a volume can only be attached to a single server. |
server_uuids | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume is attached to. Deprecated: Use |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume. Default is |
zone | zone slug | The slug of the zone in which the new volume will be created. The default zone is the one defined in the project settings. |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the volume. |
name | string | The display name of the volume. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume in GiB (10243). |
type | string | There are currently two options: |
servers | list of server objects | A list of servers that the volume is attached to. Currently, a volume can only be attached to a single server. |
server_uuids | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume is attached to. Deprecated: Use |
current_operation | string | The current operation performed on the volume. These operations are mutually exclusive. Values include |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume. |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the volume is located. |
Most Common Errors
There are a variety of errors that can occur if you try to create a volume without the proper arguments. Those errors are mostly self-explanatory. However, there are a few more common errors:
- You do not have enough credits. Please add more funds to your account.
- The size of an SSD volume is not a multiple of 1 GB or exceeds your current quota.
- The size of a bulk volume is not a multiple of 100 GB or exceeds your current quota.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F size_gb=150 \
-F name="my-volume-name" \
-F zone=lpg1 \
-F type=ssd \
-F servers="$server_uuid" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-volume-name",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"size_gb": 150,
"type": "ssd",
"servers": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/9e1f9a7f-e8d0-4086-ad7e-fea161d7c5f7",
"uuid": "9e1f9a7f-e8d0-4086-ad7e-fea161d7c5f7",
"name": "my-server"
"server_uuids": [
"current_operation": null,
"tags": {}
Revert Volume to Snapshot
Revert a volume to a snapshot. Before initiating the revert operation, the following requirements must be met since this is an invasive operation:
- For root volumes: the respective server must be shut down.
- For non-root volumes: the volume to be reverted must be detached.
If the volume has been scaled up since creating the snapshot, its size will be reduced
to the snapshot's size, too. After initiating the revert operation, the
attribute of the volume changes to
. The revert operation has completed when the attribute
value returns to null
Name | Type | Description |
snapshot | UUID | The snapshot to revert the volume to. This must be the most recent snapshot of the volume. |
Most Common Errors
- The provided
is not the most recent snapshot of the volume. To revert to an older snapshot, you must first delete all more recent snapshots.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F snapshot="$snapshot_uuid" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Update a Volume
Update the properties of a volume.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the volume. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume in GiB (10243). |
servers | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume should be attached to. Currently, a volume can only be attached to a single server. |
server_uuids | list of UUIDs | A list of server UUIDs that the volume is attached to. Deprecated: Use |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F size_gb=100 \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Detaching an Existing Volume
The use of lists in requests with Content-Type: multipart/form-data
is not supported.
Use Content-Type: application/json
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"servers": []}' \
Delete a Volume
Delete a volume and permanently destroy all of its data. A volume cannot be deleted as long as there are snapshots belonging to it.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Volume Snapshots
Volume Snapshots are zonal resources
Manage volume snapshots on the distributed storage clusters. Volume snapshots can be created, listed, and deleted as well as renamed. Volumes can be reverted to a snapshot.
Please be advised that volume snapshots are generated within the same storage cluster as the volume itself. Consequently, while volume snapshots allow restoration to a previous state, e.g., in the event of a server upgrade failure, they do not serve as a substitute for off-site backups in situations where our infrastructure experiences a significant outage.
List Volume Snapshots
List all volume snapshots.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter volume snapshots by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the volume snapshot. |
name | string | The display name of the volume snapshot. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume snapshot in GiB (10243) (equals the source volume's size at the time the snapshot was created). |
source_volume | volume object | The volume this snapshot belongs to. |
status | string | The current status of the volume snapshot. Can be |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume snapshot. |
The statuses of a volume snapshot are detailed in the following table. This list might be extended in the future.
status | Description |
available |
The volume snapshot is available for revert operations. |
deleting |
The volume snapshot is being deleted and will disappear shortly. |
reverting |
A revert operation using this volume snapshot is currently ongoing. |
unknown |
There is a temporary internal issue. Please contact support. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volume-snapshots/351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2",
"uuid": "351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2",
"name": "pre-dist-upgrade",
"created_at": "2024-12-03T08:01:54.990820Z",
"size_gb": 200,
"source_volume": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "capitano-root"
"status": "available",
"tags": {}
Get a Volume Snapshot
Get a volume snapshot by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the volume snapshot. |
name | string | The display name of the volume snapshot. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume snapshot in GiB (10243) (equals the source volume's size at the time the snapshot was created). |
source_volume | volume object | The volume this snapshot belongs to. |
status | string | The current status of the volume snapshot. Can be |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume snapshot. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volume-snapshots/351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2",
"uuid": "351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2",
"name": "pre-dist-upgrade",
"created_at": "2024-12-03T08:01:54.990820Z",
"size_gb": 200,
"source_volume": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "capitano-root"
"status": "available",
"tags": {}
Create a Volume Snapshot
Create a volume snapshot with the specified attributes.
A snapshot captures a crash-consistent state, meaning that the snapshot represents the state the volume was in like if it suddenly froze at that time. While many filesystems and applications can recover from such states, additional precautionary measures might be advisable. Consider stopping your applications or syncing to disk to minimize the risk of data corruption and ensure reliable recovery. If your setup cannot recover from crash-consistent states, either shut down the server, or unmount and detach the volumes before taking a snapshot.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the volume snapshot. |
source_volume | UUID | The volume this snapshot belongs to. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume snapshot. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the volume snapshot. |
name | string | The display name of the volume snapshot. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
size_gb | integer | The size of the volume snapshot in GiB (10243) (equals the source volume's size at the time the snapshot was created). |
source_volume | volume object | The volume this snapshot belongs to. |
status | string | The current status of the volume snapshot. Can be |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume snapshot. |
Most Common Errors
There are a variety of errors that can occur if you try to create a volume snapshot without the proper arguments. Those errors are mostly self-explanatory. However, there are a few more common errors:
- You do not have enough credits. Please add more funds to your account.
- The maximum number of allowed volume snapshots per volume has been exceeded.
- The source volume is undergoing an operation that prevents snapshotting, such as scaling or reverting to a snapshot.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="pre-dist-upgrade" \
-F source_volume="$volume_uuid" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volume-snapshots/351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volume-snapshots/351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2",
"uuid": "351d461c-2333-455f-b788-db11bf0b4aa2",
"name": "pre-dist-upgrade",
"created_at": "2024-12-03T08:01:54.990820Z",
"size_gb": 200,
"source_volume": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/volumes/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "capitano-root"
"status": "available",
"tags": {}
Update a Volume Snapshot
Update the properties of a volume snapshot.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the volume snapshot. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the volume snapshot. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="new-name" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Volume Snapshot
Delete a volume snapshot and permanently destroy all of its data.
Important Notes
- Depending on the snapshot size, it may take a short time for the snapshot to disappear
after the
call. During this time, a background cleanup operation is performed, and the snapshot’s status is set to"deleting"
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Floating IPs
Floating IPs are regional or global resources
Floating IPs are IP addresses or networks that can be moved between servers. Possible use cases include: High-availability, non-disruptive maintenance, multiple IPs per server, or re-using the same IP after replacing a server.
Currently, the following Floating IP types are supported:
List Floating IPs
List all Floating IPs.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter Floating IPs by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
network | string | The Floating IP in CIDR notation. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
ip_version | integer | The IP version of the Floating IP. Can be either |
server | server object | The destination server of the Floating IP. This is |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The destination load balancer of the Floating IP. This is |
type | string | The type of the Floating IP. There are currently two options: |
region | region object | The region in which the Regional Floating IP is located. |
next_hop | string | The destination IP address of the Floating IP. |
reverse_ptr | string | The reverse pointer of the Floating IP. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the Floating IP. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.505197Z",
"network": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"server": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main"
"load_balancer": null,
"region": {
"slug": "lpg"
"type": "regional",
"next_hop": "",
"reverse_ptr": "",
"tags": {}
Get a Floating IP
Get a Floating IP by its network ID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
network | string | The Floating IP in CIDR notation. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
ip_version | integer | The IP version of the Floating IP. Can be either |
server | server object | The destination server of the Floating IP. This is |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The destination load balancer of the Floating IP. This is |
type | string | The type of the Floating IP. There are currently two options: |
region | region object | The region in which the Regional Floating IP is located. |
next_hop | string | The destination IP address of the Floating IP. |
reverse_ptr | string | The reverse pointer of the Floating IP. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the Floating IP. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.505197Z",
"network": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"server": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main"
"load_balancer": null,
"region": {
"slug": "lpg"
"type": "regional",
"next_hop": "",
"reverse_ptr": "",
"tags": {}
Create a Floating IP
Create a Floating IP with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
ip_version | integer | The IP version of the Floating IP. Can be either |
server | UUID | The destination server of the Floating IP. Default is |
load_balancer | UUID | The destination load balancer of the Floating IP. Note: This attribute can only be set if |
type | string | The type of the new Floating IP. There are currently two options: |
region | region slug | The slug of the region in which the new Regional Floating IP will be created. Must be omitted for Global Floating IPs. For Regional Floating IPs, default is the region of the project default zone. |
reverse_ptr | string | The reverse pointer of the Floating IP. |
prefix_length | integer | The prefix length of the new Floating IP. Default is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the Floating IP. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
network | string | The Floating IP in CIDR notation. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
ip_version | integer | The IP version of the Floating IP. Can be either |
server | server object | The destination server of the Floating IP. This is |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The destination load balancer of the Floating IP. This is |
type | string | The type of the Floating IP. There are currently two options: |
region | region object | The region in which the Regional Floating IP is located. |
next_hop | string | The destination IP address of the Floating IP. |
reverse_ptr | string | The reverse pointer of the Floating IP. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the Floating IP. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F type=regional \
-F ip_version=6 \
-F region=lpg \
-F server="$server_uuid" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/2001:db8::cafe
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/2001:db8::cafe",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.505197Z",
"network": "2001:db8::cafe/128",
"ip_version": 6,
"server": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47cec963-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main"
"load_balancer": null,
"region": {
"slug": "lpg"
"type": "regional",
"next_hop": "2001:db8:dead:beef::42",
"reverse_ptr": "null",
"tags": {}
Update a Floating IP (Deprecated)
method on this URL has been deprecated in favor of the
Update the properties of a Floating IP.
Name | Type | Description |
server | UUID | The new destination server of the Floating IP. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F server="$server_uuid" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.505197Z",
"network": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"server": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/servers/47777777-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"uuid": "47777777-fcd2-482f-bdb6-24461b2d47b1",
"name": "db-main"
"load_balancer": null,
"region": {
"slug": "lpg"
"type": "regional",
"next_hop": "",
"reverse_ptr": "",
"tags": {}
Update a Floating IP
Update the properties of a Floating IP.
Name | Type | Description |
server | UUID | The destination server of the Floating IP. Default is |
load_balancer | UUID | The destination load balancer of the Floating IP. Note: This attribute can only be set if |
reverse_ptr | string | The reverse pointer of the Floating IP. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the Floating IP. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F server="$server_uuid" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/floating-ips/
Delete a Floating IP
Delete a Floating IP.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Networks are zonal resources
Manage private networks. Networks can be created, listed, deleted and changed.
List Networks
List all networks.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter networks by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the network. |
name | string | The display name of the network. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the network is located. |
mtu | integer | The MTU size for the network. |
subnets | list of subnet objects | A list of the subnets that are used in this network. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the network. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-network-name",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"mtu": 9000,
"subnets": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"cidr": ""
"tags": {}
Get a Network
Get a Network by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the network. |
name | string | The display name of the network. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the network is located. |
mtu | integer | The MTU size for the network. |
subnets | list of subnet objects | A list of the subnets that are used in this network. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the network. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-network-name",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"mtu": 9000,
"subnets": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"cidr": ""
"tags": {}
Create a Network
Create a network with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the network. |
zone | zone slug | The slug of the zone in which the new network will be created. The default zone is the one defined in the project settings. |
mtu | integer | The MTU size for the network. Default is |
auto_create_ipv4_subnet | boolean | If |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the network. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the network. |
name | string | The display name of the network. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the network is located. |
mtu | integer | The MTU size for the network. |
subnets | list of subnet objects | A list of the subnets that are used in this network. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the network. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="my-network-name" \
-F zone=lpg1 \
-F mtu=9000 \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"created_at": "2019-05-29T13:18:42.511407Z",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-network-name",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"mtu": 9000,
"subnets": [
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"cidr": ""
"tags": {}
Update a Network
Update the properties of a network.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the network. |
mtu | integer | The MTU size for the network. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the network. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F mtu=1500 \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Network
This is only possible if no server is part of the network. Automatically deletes subnets that are configured on this network.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Subnets are zonal resources
Manage subnets for private networks. Subnets can be created, changed, listed and deleted.
List Subnets
List all subnets.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter subnets by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the subnet. |
cidr | string | The address range in CIDR notation. Must be at least /24. |
network | network object | The network of the subnet. |
gateway_address | string | The gateway address of the subnet. |
dns_servers | list of strings | A list of DNS resolver IP addresses, that act as DNS servers. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the subnet. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"cidr": "",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-network-name"
"gateway_address": null,
"dns_servers": ["", ""],
"tags": {}
Get a Subnet
Get a subnet by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the subnet. |
cidr | string | The address range in CIDR notation. Must be at least /24. |
network | network object | The network of the subnet. |
gateway_address | string | The gateway address of the subnet. |
dns_servers | list of strings | A list of DNS resolver IP addresses, that act as DNS servers. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the subnet. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"cidr": "",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-network-name",
"gateway_address": null,
"dns_servers": ["", ""],
"tags": {}
Create a Subnet
Create a subnet with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
cidr | string | The address range in CIDR notation. Must be at least /24. |
network | UUID | The network of the subnet. |
gateway_address | string | The gateway address of the subnet. |
dns_servers | list of strings | A list of DNS resolver IP addresses for the subnet. Pass an empty list to remove all DNS resolvers. Default is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the subnet. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the subnet. |
cidr | string | The address range in CIDR notation. Must be at least /24. |
network | network object | The network of the subnet. |
gateway_address | string | The gateway address of the subnet. |
dns_servers | list of strings | A list of DNS resolver IP addresses, that act as DNS servers. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the subnet. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"cidr": "",
"network": "$network_uuid"
}' \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "33333333-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"cidr": "",
"network": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/networks/2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"uuid": "2db69ba3-1864-4608-853a-0771b6885a3a",
"name": "my-network-name"
"gateway_address": null,
"dns_servers": ["", ""],
"tags": {}
Update a Subnet
Update the properties of a subnet.
Name | Type | Description |
network | UUID | The network of the subnet. |
gateway_address | string | The gateway address of the subnet. |
dns_servers | list of strings | A list of DNS resolver IP addresses for the subnet. Pass an empty list to remove all DNS resolvers. Default is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the subnet. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"gateway_address": ""}' \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Updating DNS Servers
The use of lists in requests with Content-Type: multipart/form-data
is not supported.
Use Content-Type: application/json
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"dns_servers": ["", ""]}' \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Subnet
This is only possible if no server is part of the subnet.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Load Balancers
Load Balancers are zonal resources
A load balancer is a complex object that consists of several components. Each component supports a range of configuration options and protocols. An operational load balancer is composed of:
- The main load balancer: represents the virtual network device and is assigned VIP addresses (virtual IP addresses) through which incoming traffic is received. Load balancers are available in different flavors.
- One or many pools per load balancer: a group of servers that handle incoming traffic. Traffic is distributed according to the algorithm set on the pool.
- One or many pool members per pool: the individual servers in a pool.
- One or many listeners per pool: defines the protocol and port to be used for incoming traffic. Traffic is then distributed within the associated pool.
- Optionally a health monitor per pool: defines how to periodically check the health of the pool members of the associated pool. If a pool member is not considered healthy, it will not be forwarded any traffic from the load balancer.
Load Balancer Objects
Manage load balancers on the distributed compute platform. Load balancers can be created, listed, modified and deleted.
Load Balancer Flavors
We currently provide the following (publicly available) flavors:
Slug | Description |
lb-standard | LB-Standard |
List Load Balancers
List all load balancers.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter load balancers by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the load balancer. |
name | string | The display name of the load balancer. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
status | string | The current status of the load balancer. Can be |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the load balancer is located. |
flavor | load balancer flavor object | The flavor of the load balancer. |
vip_addresses | list of VIP address objects | A list of VIP address objects describing the addresses that are assigned to the load balancer. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer. |
The statuses of a load balancer are detailed in the following table:
status | Description |
changing |
The load balancer is being created or updated. |
degraded |
One or more enabled pool members are not operating normally or a listener has reached its connection limit. |
running |
The load balancer is working normally. |
stopped |
The load balancer has been stopped, please contact support. |
error |
All enabled pool members are not operating normally or another problem has occurred. Please contact support if the problem persists. |
unknown |
There are temporary internal issues in the zone of this load balancer. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/0f62e0a7-f459-4fc4-9c25-9e57b6cb4b2f",
"uuid": "0f62e0a7-f459-4fc4-9c25-9e57b6cb4b2f",
"name": "web-lb",
"created_at": "2023-02-07T15:32:02.308041Z",
"status": "running",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"flavor": {
"slug": "lb-standard",
"name": "LB-Standard"
"vip_addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"version": 6,
"address": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/a5f66ceb-75bf-465a-9ce6-8a6d601a62fb",
"uuid": "a5f66ceb-75bf-465a-9ce6-8a6d601a62fb",
"cidr": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3::/64"
"tags": {}
Get a Load Balancer
Get a load balancer by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the load balancer. |
name | string | The display name of the load balancer. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
status | string | The current status of the load balancer. Can be |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the load balancer is located. |
flavor | load balancer flavor object | The flavor of the load balancer. |
vip_addresses | list of VIP address objects | A list of VIP address objects describing the addresses that are assigned to the load balancer. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/0f62e0a7-f459-4fc4-9c25-9e57b6cb4b2f",
"uuid": "0f62e0a7-f459-4fc4-9c25-9e57b6cb4b2f",
"name": "web-lb",
"created_at": "2023-02-07T15:32:02.308041Z",
"status": "running",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"flavor": {
"slug": "lb-standard",
"name": "LB-Standard"
"vip_addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"version": 6,
"address": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/a5f66ceb-75bf-465a-9ce6-8a6d601a62fb",
"uuid": "a5f66ceb-75bf-465a-9ce6-8a6d601a62fb",
"cidr": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3::/64"
"tags": {}
Create a Load Balancer
Create a load balancer with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the load balancer. |
zone | zone slug | The slug of the zone in which the new load balancer will be created. |
flavor | flavor slug | The flavor of the load balancer. |
vip_addresses | list of VIP address objects | A list of VIP address objects specifying the VIP addresses to be configured on the load balancer. See here for details. Default is to assign a public IPv4 and IPv6 address. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the load balancer. |
name | string | The display name of the load balancer. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
status | string | The current status of the load balancer. Can be |
zone | zone stub | The zone in which the load balancer is located. |
flavor | load balancer flavor object | The flavor of the load balancer. |
vip_addresses | list of VIP address objects | A list of VIP address objects describing the addresses that are assigned to the load balancer. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer. |
Attribute Specification
The VIP addresses (virtual IP addresses) through which incoming traffic is received can
either be allocated in the public network (facing the internet) or in the
subnet of a private network. This behavior is controlled
through the vip_addresses
attribute, which can be specified when
creating a load balancer.
must either be absent or the value must be a list containing VIP address
objects. (Currently, specifying 1 VIP address object is supported.)
The following table gives an overview of different use cases and the corresponding
schemas of the vip_addresses
attribute. See also the Using a Private Network
not specified (default) | Create an IPv4 and an IPv6 VIP address on the public network. |
[{"subnet": "UUID1"}] |
Create a VIP address on the subnet identified by "UUID1"
and use an address from the DHCP range of the subnet.
[{"subnet": "UUID2", "address": "A.B.C.D"}] |
Create a VIP address on the subnet identified by "UUID2"
and use address A.B.C.D.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="web-lb" \
-F flavor=lb-standard \
-F zone=lpg1 \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/514064c2-cfd4-4b0c-8a4b-c68c552ff84f
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/514064c2-cfd4-4b0c-8a4b-c68c552ff84f",
"uuid": "514064c2-cfd4-4b0c-8a4b-c68c552ff84f",
"name": "web-lb",
"created_at": "2023-02-07T15:59:12.788718Z",
"status": "changing",
"zone": {
"slug": "lpg1"
"flavor": {
"slug": "lb-standard",
"name": "LB-Standard"
"vip_addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"uuid": "92c70b2f-99cb-4811-8823-3d46572006e4",
"cidr": ""
"version": 6,
"address": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/a5f66ceb-75bf-465a-9ce6-8a6d601a62fb",
"uuid": "a5f66ceb-75bf-465a-9ce6-8a6d601a62fb",
"cidr": "2001:db8:85a3:8d3::/64"
"tags": {}
Using a Private Network
This creates a load balancer that receives traffic from a private network.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name": "web-lb",
"flavor": "lb-standard",
"vip_addresses": [
"subnet": "$subnet_uuid",
"address": ""
"zone": "rma1"
}' \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/c337b7a8-b275-4cfc-9b14-e80ade7783f6
/* See first example of this section for the rest of the response. */
"vip_addresses": [
"version": 4,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/15e061ac-c98a-4a26-85df-b25d47801e99",
"uuid": "15e061ac-c98a-4a26-85df-b25d47801e99",
"cidr": ""
Update a Load Balancer
Update the properties of a load balancer.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the load balancer. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="web-lb" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Load Balancer
Delete a load balancer. Automatically deletes pools, listeners and health monitors that are configured on this load balancer.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Load Balancer Pools
Manage load balancer pools on the distributed compute platform. Load balancer pools can be created, listed, modified and deleted.
The algorithms and protocols supported by load balancer pools are detailed in the following tables.
Pool Algorithms
The algorithm of the pool defines how traffic is distributed between pool members.
Algorithm | Description |
round_robin |
New traffic is distributed between the pool members in a cyclic manner. |
least_connections |
New traffic is sent to the pool member with the least active connections. This results in a more even distribution of traffic, even if there is high variability in connection lifetime. |
source_ip |
The pool member is selected based on the traffic's source IP to maintain session persistence across multiple requests. |
Pool Protocols
The protocol configured on the pool defines how traffic is transmitted between the load balancer and the pool members.
Protocol | Description |
tcp |
A new TCP connection is opened between the load balancer and the pool member. The original TCP connection parameters such as the source IP and source port are not available to the pool members. There are no special requirements for the pool members in regard to how they handle traffic. |
proxy |
The original TCP connection parameters such as the source IP and source port are made available to the pool members using the PROXY protocol version 1. The pool members must be configured to accept connections using the PROXY protocol. |
proxyv2 |
The original TCP connection parameters such as the source IP and source port are made available to the pool members using the PROXY protocol version 2. The pool members must be configured to accept connections using the PROXY protocol. |
List Pools
List all load balancer pools.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter load balancer pools by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the pool. |
name | string | The display name of the pool. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the pool. |
algorithm | string | The algorithm according to which the incoming traffic is distributed between the pool members. Currently the following algorithms are supported: |
protocol | string | The protocol used for traffic between the load balancer and the pool members. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/1563703b-46b6-4618-9eb0-3dd554d1e8d0",
"uuid": "1563703b-46b6-4618-9eb0-3dd554d1e8d0",
"name": "web-lb-pool",
"created_at": "2023-02-17T12:36:54.901740Z",
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"algorithm": "round_robin",
"protocol": "proxyv2",
"tags": {}
Get a Pool
Get a load balancer pool by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the pool. |
name | string | The display name of the pool. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the pool. |
algorithm | string | The algorithm according to which the incoming traffic is distributed between the pool members. Currently the following algorithms are supported: |
protocol | string | The protocol used for traffic between the load balancer and the pool members. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/1563703b-46b6-4618-9eb0-3dd554d1e8d0",
"uuid": "1563703b-46b6-4618-9eb0-3dd554d1e8d0",
"name": "web-lb-pool",
"created_at": "2023-02-17T12:36:54.901740Z",
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"algorithm": "round_robin",
"protocol": "proxyv2",
"tags": {}
Create a Pool
Create a load balancer pool with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the pool. |
load_balancer | UUID | The load balancer of the pool. |
algorithm | string | The algorithm according to which the incoming traffic is distributed between the pool members. Currently the following algorithms are supported: |
protocol | string | The protocol used for traffic between the load balancer and the pool members. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the pool. |
name | string | The display name of the pool. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the pool. |
algorithm | string | The algorithm according to which the incoming traffic is distributed between the pool members. Currently the following algorithms are supported: |
protocol | string | The protocol used for traffic between the load balancer and the pool members. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="swimming-pool" \
-F algorithm="round_robin" \
-F load_balancer="$load_balancer_uuid" \
-F protocol="tcp" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/3d41b118-f95c-4897-ad74-2260fea783fc
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/3d41b118-f95c-4897-ad74-2260fea783fc",
"uuid": "3d41b118-f95c-4897-ad74-2260fea783fc",
"name": "swimming-pool",
"created_at": "2023-02-17T16:11:45.146723Z",
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"algorithm": "round_robin",
"protocol": "tcp",
"tags": {}
Update a Pool
Update the properties of a load balancer pool.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the pool. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="new-name" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Pool
Delete a load balancer pool. Automatically deletes listeners and health monitors that are configured on this pool.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Load Balancer Pool Members
Manage load balancer pool members on the distributed compute platform. Load balancer pool members can be created, listed, modified and deleted.
List Pool Members
List all pool members in the specified load balancer pool.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter load balancer pool members by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the pool member. |
name | string | The display name of the pool member. |
enabled | boolean | Pool member will not receive traffic if |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the pool member. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the pool member. |
protocol_port | integer | The port to which actual traffic is sent. |
monitor_port | integer | The port to which health monitor checks are sent. If not specified, |
address | string | The IP address to which traffic is sent. |
subnet | subnet object | The subnet in a private network in which |
monitor_status | string | The status of the pool's health monitor check for this member. A listener is required to ensure that the |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool member. |
The status of a pool member indicates the result of the health monitor check for the member.
monitor_status | Description |
up |
The member is passing the health monitor check. |
down |
The member is failing the health monitor check. |
changing |
The member is being created or updated. |
no_monitor |
No health monitor is configured. |
unknown |
There are temporary internal issues in the zone of this load balancer. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c/members/a7a88e66-0fc5-48c8-862a-ee5dff3ba6ef",
"uuid": "a7a88e66-0fc5-48c8-862a-ee5dff3ba6ef",
"name": "web-lb-pool-member-0",
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2023-02-21T13:11:48.118903Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c",
"uuid": "20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"protocol_port": 8080,
"monitor_port": null,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/70d282ab-2a01-4abb-ada5-34e56a5a7eee",
"uuid": "70d282ab-2a01-4abb-ada5-34e56a5a7eee",
"cidr": ""
"monitor_status": "up",
"tags": {}
Get a Pool Member
Get a load balancer pool member by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the pool member. |
name | string | The display name of the pool member. |
enabled | boolean | Pool member will not receive traffic if |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the pool member. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the pool member. |
protocol_port | integer | The port to which actual traffic is sent. |
monitor_port | integer | The port to which health monitor checks are sent. If not specified, |
address | string | The IP address to which traffic is sent. |
subnet | subnet object | The subnet in a private network in which |
monitor_status | string | The status of the pool's health monitor check for this member. A listener is required to ensure that the |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool member. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c/members/a7a88e66-0fc5-48c8-862a-ee5dff3ba6ef",
"uuid": "a7a88e66-0fc5-48c8-862a-ee5dff3ba6ef",
"name": "web-lb-pool-member-0",
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2023-02-21T13:11:48.118903Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c",
"uuid": "20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"protocol_port": 8080,
"monitor_port": null,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/70d282ab-2a01-4abb-ada5-34e56a5a7eee",
"uuid": "70d282ab-2a01-4abb-ada5-34e56a5a7eee",
"cidr": ""
"monitor_status": "up",
"tags": {}
Create a Pool Member
Create a load balancer pool member with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the pool member. |
enabled | boolean | Pool member will not receive traffic if |
protocol_port | integer | The port to which actual traffic is sent. |
monitor_port | integer | The port to which health monitor checks are sent. If not specified, |
address | string | The IP address to which traffic is sent. |
subnet | UUID | The subnet of the address must be specified here. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool member. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the pool member. |
name | string | The display name of the pool member. |
enabled | boolean | Pool member will not receive traffic if |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the pool member. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the pool member. |
protocol_port | integer | The port to which actual traffic is sent. |
monitor_port | integer | The port to which health monitor checks are sent. If not specified, |
address | string | The IP address to which traffic is sent. |
subnet | subnet object | The subnet in a private network in which |
monitor_status | string | The status of the pool's health monitor check for this member. A listener is required to ensure that the |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool member. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="new-member" \
-F protocol_port=8080 \
-F address="" \
-F subnet="$subnet_uuid" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c/members/b9991773-857d-47f6-b20b-0a03709529a9
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c/members/b9991773-857d-47f6-b20b-0a03709529a9",
"uuid": "b9991773-857d-47f6-b20b-0a03709529a9",
"name": "new-member",
"enabled": true,
"created_at": "2023-02-21T15:42:50.972189Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c",
"uuid": "20a7eb11-3e17-4177-b46d-36e13b101d1c",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"protocol_port": 8080,
"monitor_port": null,
"address": "",
"subnet": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/subnets/70d282ab-2a01-4abb-ada5-34e56a5a7eee",
"uuid": "70d282ab-2a01-4abb-ada5-34e56a5a7eee",
"cidr": ""
"monitor_status": "down",
"tags": {}
Update a Pool Member
Update the properties of a load balancer pool member.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the pool member. |
enabled | boolean | Pool member will not receive traffic if |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer pool member. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="new-name" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Pool Member
Delete a load balancer pool member.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Load Balancer Listeners
Manage load balancer listeners on the distributed compute platform. Load balancer listeners can be created, listed, modified and deleted.
The protocols supported by load balancer listeners are detailed in the following table.
Listener Protocols
The protocol configured on the listener defines how traffic is received from clients.
Protocol | Description |
tcp |
List Listeners
List all load balancer listeners.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter load balancer listeners by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the listener. |
name | string | The display name of the listener. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the listener. Can currently not be |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the listener. |
protocol | string | The protocol used for receiving traffic. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
protocol_port | integer | The port on which traffic is received. |
allowed_cidrs | list of strings | Restrict the allowed source IPs for this listener. |
timeout_client_data_ms | integer | Client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_connect_ms | integer | Pool member connection timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_data_ms | integer | Pool member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer listener. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/listeners/ed900813-0270-4ddb-ad90-6a7690edfb3f",
"uuid": "ed900813-0270-4ddb-ad90-6a7690edfb3f",
"name": "web-lb-listener",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T09:55:44.431932Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"protocol": "tcp",
"protocol_port": 80,
"allowed_cidrs": [],
"timeout_client_data_ms": 50000,
"timeout_member_connect_ms": 5000,
"timeout_member_data_ms": 50000,
"timeout_tcp_inspect_ms": 0,
"tags": {}
Get a Listener
Get a load balancer listener by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the listener. |
name | string | The display name of the listener. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the listener. Can currently not be |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the listener. |
protocol | string | The protocol used for receiving traffic. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
protocol_port | integer | The port on which traffic is received. |
allowed_cidrs | list of strings | Restrict the allowed source IPs for this listener. |
timeout_client_data_ms | integer | Client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_connect_ms | integer | Pool member connection timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_data_ms | integer | Pool member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer listener. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/listeners/ed900813-0270-4ddb-ad90-6a7690edfb3f",
"uuid": "ed900813-0270-4ddb-ad90-6a7690edfb3f",
"name": "web-lb-listener",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T09:55:44.431932Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"protocol": "tcp",
"protocol_port": 80,
"allowed_cidrs": [],
"timeout_client_data_ms": 50000,
"timeout_member_connect_ms": 5000,
"timeout_member_data_ms": 50000,
"timeout_tcp_inspect_ms": 0,
"tags": {}
Create a Listener
Create a load balancer listener with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the listener. |
pool | UUID | The pool of the listener. Can currently not be |
protocol | string | The protocol used for receiving traffic. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
protocol_port | integer | The port on which traffic is received. |
allowed_cidrs | list of strings | Restrict the allowed source IPs for this listener. |
timeout_client_data_ms | integer | Client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Default is |
timeout_member_connect_ms | integer | Pool member connection timeout in milliseconds. Default is |
timeout_member_data_ms | integer | Pool member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. Default is |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer listener. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the listener. |
name | string | The display name of the listener. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the listener. Can currently not be |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the listener. |
protocol | string | The protocol used for receiving traffic. Currently the following protocols are supported: |
protocol_port | integer | The port on which traffic is received. |
allowed_cidrs | list of strings | Restrict the allowed source IPs for this listener. |
timeout_client_data_ms | integer | Client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_connect_ms | integer | Pool member connection timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_data_ms | integer | Pool member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer listener. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F name="new-listener" \
-F pool="$pool_uuid" \
-F protocol="tcp" \
-F protocol_port=1337 \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/listeners/9fa91f17-fdb4-431f-8a59-78473f64e661
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/listeners/9fa91f17-fdb4-431f-8a59-78473f64e661",
"uuid": "9fa91f17-fdb4-431f-8a59-78473f64e661",
"name": "new-listener",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T10:01:48.839090Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"protocol": "tcp",
"protocol_port": 1337,
"allowed_cidrs": [],
"timeout_client_data_ms": 50000,
"timeout_member_connect_ms": 5000,
"timeout_member_data_ms": 50000,
"timeout_tcp_inspect_ms": 0,
"tags": {}
Using allowed_cidrs
The use of lists in requests with Content-Type: multipart/form-data
is not supported.
Use Content-Type: application/json
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"name": "new-listener",
"pool": "$pool_uuid",
"protocol": "tcp",
"protocol_port": 1338,
"allowed_cidrs": ["", "2001:db8:85a3:8d3::/64"]
}' \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/listeners/9fa91f17-fdb4-431f-8a59-78473f64e661
/* See first example of this section for the rest of the response. */
"allowed_cidrs": [
Update a Listener
Update the properties of a load balancer listener.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the listener. |
allowed_cidrs | list of strings | Restrict the allowed source IPs for this listener. |
timeout_client_data_ms | integer | Client inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_connect_ms | integer | Pool member connection timeout in milliseconds. |
timeout_member_data_ms | integer | Pool member inactivity timeout in milliseconds. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer listener. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F name="new-name" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Listener
Delete a load balancer listener.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Load Balancer Health Monitors
Manage load balancer health monitors on the distributed compute platform. Load balancer health monitors can be created, listed, modified and deleted.
Important Note
Health monitors only become effective once a listener is configured for the same pool. Without a listener, health monitors are not able to correctly report the status of pool members.
Health Monitor Types
The type configured on the health monitor defines which mechanism is used to check the health of pool members.
Type | Description |
ping |
Verify pool member health by sending an ICMP echo request. |
tcp |
Verify pool member health by opening and closing a TCP connection without sending any data. |
http |
Verify pool member health by sending an HTTP request. The HTTP method, URL used and expected status codes can be configured using the http attribute. |
https |
HTTPS health monitors are similar to HTTP health monitors. (If pool members require a client TLS certificate, however, checks will fail; TLS-HELLO is recommended in this case.) |
tls-hello |
Verify pool member health by checking the response to TLS client hello messages. |
List Health Monitors
List all load balancer health monitors.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter load balancer health monitors by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the health monitor. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the health monitor. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the health monitor. |
delay_s | integer | The delay between two successive checks in seconds. |
timeout_s | integer | The maximum time allowed for an individual check in seconds. |
up_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to be successful before the |
down_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to fail before the |
type | string | The type of the health monitor. Currently the following mechanisms are supported: |
http | http options object | Advanced options for health monitors with type |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer health monitor. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/health-monitors/ee4952d4-2eba-4dec-8957-7911b3ce245b",
"uuid": "ee4952d4-2eba-4dec-8957-7911b3ce245b",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T09:55:38.285018Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"delay_s": 2,
"timeout_s": 1,
"up_threshold": 2,
"down_threshold": 3,
"type": "http",
"http": {
"expected_codes": [
"method": "GET",
"url_path": "/",
"version": "1.0",
"host": null
"tags": {}
Get a Health Monitor
Get a load balancer health monitor by its UUID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the health monitor. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the health monitor. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the health monitor. |
delay_s | integer | The delay between two successive checks in seconds. |
timeout_s | integer | The maximum time allowed for an individual check in seconds. |
up_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to be successful before the |
down_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to fail before the |
type | string | The type of the health monitor. Currently the following mechanisms are supported: |
http | http options object | Advanced options for health monitors with type |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer health monitor. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/health-monitors/ee4952d4-2eba-4dec-8957-7911b3ce245b",
"uuid": "ee4952d4-2eba-4dec-8957-7911b3ce245b",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T09:55:38.285018Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"delay_s": 2,
"timeout_s": 1,
"up_threshold": 2,
"down_threshold": 3,
"type": "http",
"http": {
"expected_codes": [
"method": "GET",
"url_path": "/",
"version": "1.0",
"host": null
"tags": {}
Create a Health Monitor
Create a load balancer health monitor with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
pool | UUID | The pool of the health monitor. |
delay_s | integer | The delay between two successive checks in seconds. Default is |
timeout_s | integer | The maximum time allowed for an individual check in seconds. Default is |
up_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to be successful before the |
down_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to fail before the |
type | string | The type of the health monitor. Currently the following mechanisms are supported: |
http | http options object | Advanced options for health monitors with type |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer health monitor. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
uuid | UUID | The unique identifier of the health monitor. |
created_at | datetime | The creation date and time of the resource. |
pool | load balancer pool object | The pool of the health monitor. |
load_balancer | load balancer object | The load balancer of the health monitor. |
delay_s | integer | The delay between two successive checks in seconds. |
timeout_s | integer | The maximum time allowed for an individual check in seconds. |
up_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to be successful before the |
down_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to fail before the |
type | string | The type of the health monitor. Currently the following mechanisms are supported: |
http | http options object | Advanced options for health monitors with type |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer health monitor. |
Attribute Specification
The http
attribute holds the advanced configuration parameters for health monitors of
type http
and https
. The following table gives an overview of the schema of the
attribute. See also the Using HTTP Options example.
Name | Type | Description |
expected_codes | list of strings | The HTTP status codes allowed for a check to be considered successful. Can either be a list of status codes, for example |
method | string | The HTTP method used for the check. Currently the following methods are supported: |
url_path | string | The URL used for the check. Default is |
version | string | The HTTP version used for the check. Currently the following methods are supported: |
host | string | The server name in the HTTP |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F pool="$pool_uuid" \
-F type="tcp" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/health-monitors/52ea5829-d188-48e7-81fa-b10ca5b9b993
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/health-monitors/52ea5829-d188-48e7-81fa-b10ca5b9b993",
"uuid": "52ea5829-d188-48e7-81fa-b10ca5b9b993",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T12:08:39.584905Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"delay_s": 2,
"timeout_s": 1,
"up_threshold": 2,
"down_threshold": 3,
"type": "tcp",
"http": null,
"tags": {}
Using HTTP Options
This creates a load balancer health monitor that sends HTTP probes.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"pool": "$pool_uuid",
"type": "http",
"http": {"expected_codes": ["200", "418"]}
}' \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/health-monitors/60c7d526-f09f-4582-b106-44d4b70d03a6
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/health-monitors/60c7d526-f09f-4582-b106-44d4b70d03a6",
"uuid": "60c7d526-f09f-4582-b106-44d4b70d03a6",
"created_at": "2023-02-22T12:17:12.315518Z",
"pool": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/pools/618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"uuid": "618a6cc8-d757-4fab-aa10-d49dc47e667b",
"name": "web-lb-pool"
"load_balancer": {
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/load-balancers/15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"uuid": "15264769-ac69-4809-a8e4-4d73f8f92496",
"name": "web-lb"
"delay_s": 2,
"timeout_s": 1,
"up_threshold": 2,
"down_threshold": 3,
"type": "http",
"http": {
"expected_codes": [
"method": "GET",
"url_path": "/",
"version": "1.1",
"host": null
"tags": {}
Update a Health Monitor
Update the properties of a load balancer health monitor.
Name | Type | Description |
delay_s | integer | The delay between two successive checks in seconds. |
timeout_s | integer | The maximum time allowed for an individual check in seconds. |
up_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to be successful before the |
down_threshold | integer | The number of checks that need to fail before the |
http | http options object | Advanced options for health monitors with type |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the load balancer health monitor. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F delay_s=3 \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete a Health Monitor
Delete a load balancer health monitor.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
List Objects Users
List all objects users.
Tag predicates can be used in the query_string
filter objects users by tag.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
id | string | The unique identifier of the objects user. |
display_name | string | The display name of the objects user. |
keys | list of key objects | A list of key objects containing the access and secret keys associated with the objects user. The secret keys are set to |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the objects user. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/objects-users/6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15",
"id": "6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15",
"display_name": "alan",
"keys": [
"access_key": "0ZTAIBKSGYBRHQ09G11W",
"secret_key": "bn2ufcwbIa0ARLc5CLRSlVaCfFxPHOpHmjKiH34T"
"tags": {}
Get an Objects User
Get an objects user by its ID.
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
id | string | The unique identifier of the objects user. |
display_name | string | The display name of the objects user. |
keys | list of key objects | A list of key objects containing the access and secret keys associated with the objects user. The secret keys are set to |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the objects user. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/objects-users/6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15",
"id": "6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15",
"display_name": "alan",
"keys": [
"access_key": "0ZTAIBKSGYBRHQ09G11W",
"secret_key": "bn2ufcwbIa0ARLc5CLRSlVaCfFxPHOpHmjKiH34T"
"tags": {}
Create an Objects User
Create an objects user with the specified attributes.
Name | Type | Description |
display_name | string | The display name of the objects user. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the objects user. Default is |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
href | URL | The URL of the resource. |
id | string | The unique identifier of the objects user. |
display_name | string | The display name of the objects user. |
keys | list of key objects | A list of key objects containing the access and secret keys associated with the objects user. The secret keys are set to |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the objects user. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" \
-F display_name="alan" \
HTTP/2 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/objects-users/6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15
"href": "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/objects-users/6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15",
"id": "6fe39134bf4178747eebc429f82cfafdd08891d4279d0d899bc4012db1db6a15",
"display_name": "alan",
"keys": [
"access_key": "0ZTAIBKSGYBRHQ09G11W",
"secret_key": "bn2ufcwbIa0ARLc5CLRSlVaCfFxPHOpHmjKiH34T"
"tags": {}
Update an Objects User
Update the properties of an objects user.
Name | Type | Description |
display_name | string | The display name of the objects user. |
tags | tags object | The tags assigned to the objects user. |
Important Note
Attributes can only be updated one at a time to avoid inconsistencies.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X PATCH \
-F display_name="turing" \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Delete an Objects User
Delete an objects user.
Most Common Errors
- There are still buckets associated with the objects user. Only objects users without buckets can be deleted.
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" -X DELETE \
HTTP/2 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
The metrics end-point can be used to collect usage information on cloud resources. We currently provide metrics for the following resource types:
resource_type |
Description |
buckets |
Metrics for buckets on our S3-compatible object storage. |
Get Metrics
Get the metrics for subjects of resource_type
(see all available types here). Use the query_string
to define the
metrics time range and filter the subjects included. The parameters that can be used in
the query_string
are detailed in the table below.
When forming complex expressions using multiple parameters, the following rules apply:
- First, parameters of the same type are combined using OR operators.
- Then, parameters of different types are combined using AND operators.
resource_type |
Query Parameter Name | Type | Allowed Multiplicities | Description |
all | start | ISO 8601 date | 1 | Start of the metrics time range. 00:00:00 local time in Europe/Zurich time zone on the date specified will be used. |
all | end | ISO 8601 date | 1 | End of the metrics time range. 24:00:00 local time in Europe/Zurich time zone on the date specified (i.e. including that day) will be used. |
buckets |
bucket_name | string | 0...* | Filter subjects by bucket name. Can be repeated in order to search for multiple buckets. |
buckets |
objects_user_id | string | 0...* | Filter subjects by the bucket owner's unique identifier. Can be repeated in order to search for multiple bucket owners. |
The returned object contains the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
start | datetime | Start of the metrics time range in ISO 8601 date format (timezone is UTC). |
end | datetime | End of the metrics time range in ISO 8601 date format (timezone is UTC). |
data | list of data objects | A list of data objects, one for each subject of the given |
The returned subject
objects uniquely identify the metrics subject. The attributes of
the subject
objects depend on the resource_type
resource_type |
Name | Type | Description |
buckets |
name | string | The name of the bucket. |
buckets |
objects_user_id | string | The unique identifier of the objects user owning the bucket. |
The returned time_series
are lists of objects describing the intervals in your metrics
range. Currently, there is always a single interval equal to the metrics time range
returned. The interval object has the start
, end
and usage
attributes. The
attributes of the usage
objects depend on the resource_type
resource_type |
Name | Type | Description |
buckets |
requests | integer | The number of requests made in the interval. |
buckets |
object_count | integer | The average object count in the interval. For time ranges in the future, including the remaining hours of the current day, the object count is assumed to be zero when calculating the average. |
buckets |
storage_bytes | integer | The average amount of data stored in the interval. For time ranges in the future, including the remaining hours of the current day, the amount of data stored is assumed to be zero when calculating the average. |
buckets |
received_bytes | integer | The total amount of data received in the interval. |
buckets |
sent_bytes | integer | The total amount of data sent in the interval. |
$ curl -i -H "$AUTH_HEADER" "https://api.cloudscale.ch/v1/metrics/buckets?start=2019-03-19&end=2019-03-20"
HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"start": "2019-03-18T23:00:00Z",
"end": "2019-03-20T23:00:00Z",
"data": [
"subject": {
"name": "Carmichael",
"objects_user_id": "2b44ef90ff15f010dc013f8d32612e07d7734e5f5581d0c94be56780b0dcd58a"
"time_series": [
"start": "2019-03-18T23:00:00Z",
"end": "2019-03-20T23:00:00Z",
"usage": {
"requests": 561,
"object_count": 1105,
"storage_bytes": 1729,
"received_bytes": 2465,
"sent_bytes": 2821
"subject": {
"name": "StellaOctangula",
"objects_user_id": "2b44ef90ff15f010dc013f8d32612e07d7734e5f5581d0c94be56780b0dcd58a"
"time_series": [
"start": "2019-03-18T23:00:00Z",
"end": "2019-03-20T23:00:00Z",
"usage": {
"requests": 1,
"object_count": 14,
"storage_bytes": 51,
"received_bytes": 124,
"sent_bytes": 426