Managed PostgreSQLOn our infrastructure
Managed RedisManaged services byVSHN AG
VSHN automates the operation of applications in the cloud or on-premises, so that you as a software developer can have peace of mind and build your awesome application. VSHN is the Ops in DevOps.
Managed services byONZACK
ONZACK provides platform engineering and managed services around Kubernetes and other Cloud Native Technologies. We strive to bring simplicity in to complex systems, to allow everyone to use and make the most out of these technologies.
Managed services byOpen Circle
Open Circle develops and operates independent and secure IT solutions in the areas of Virtual Workplaces, Managed Workplaces, Virtual Severs, Telephony and much more.
Managed services byAutomatic Server
Automatic Server supports you in developing your software efficiently, making it scalable and making it available to your customers quickly and in the desired quality.