

Gain Confidence With Cloud Exercises

New employees usually bring a great deal of experience with them. However, onboarding as one of our engineers still involves a learning process where we accompany our new team members both in person and with prepared modules. One of these modules consists of "cloud exercises", which provide an overview of our services and enable new employees to get to know various supported deployment tools. As exercises from a user perspective, they are equally suitable for our customers and partners, which is why we have also published them on GitHub.

Onboarding with a broad and practice-focussed perspective

Not all engineers are typical cloud users themselves, which is a good thing. Our teams deal with hardware, virtualization and the ongoing maintenance and further development of our whole infrastructure, among other things. This is what makes it possible for you as a user to access the resources you require within seconds, either at the press of a button or in a completely automated manner.

Proximity to our customers and their concerns is a top priority for us here at This is why we have compiled a collection of short exercises for engineers who join our company in order to enable them to get to know our offer and its associated features from a customer perspective, too. The insights gained in this way are useful in manifold ways – and not least when it becomes necessary to recreate our customers' concerns and respond to them competently.

Learning by doing – for our users, too

It was clear to us that guided exercises of this kind, which relate to the features and tools and can be completed independently, are not only useful for our own engineers, but are also beneficial to users at our customers and partners. This is why we have published this little tour of our services on GitHub.

In addition to a short introduction, the cloud exercises also contain links to relevant blog entries for each area. However, there are no actual instructions or a one-size-fits-all solution. The journey is its own reward. By spending time on a previously unknown feature or tool, you develop your own understanding piece by piece. And if you find yourself racking your brain in vain, we here at are happy to give you a few pointers – irrespective of whether you are one of our new colleagues or one of our customers.

The cloud exercises also make it clear that several paths frequently lead to the same destination. Use the exercise examples as an opportunity to try out various approaches for yourself. And who knows, maybe you will come across a solution by chance that will soon become indispensable.

Practice makes perfect!
Your team

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